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IPG's Vision

Preserve, protect and transfer our client’s wealth in the most cost effective, compliant and efficient manner irrespective of where the client resides or the assets are located.

Global Leader
  • Over 40 Years of Experience​



More than 40 Years of Industry Experience

IPG's global platform provides clients access to the world’s leading wealth planning, structuring, product and service capabilities delivered through a professional team experienced in banking, law, tax, insurance and fiduciary services.

A History of Expertise

IPG is the pioneer of the international high net worth life insurance industry with a proven track record of expertise in the creation and management of distribution, carriers, products and capacity, and third party insurance company administration.

More than $5o Billion in Client Coverage
  • Clients trust IPG's in-depth product, tax and legal knowledge of more than 70 markets. 

  • Over 100 respected professional organizations (including private banks, family offices, independent advisors, and law, accounting and tax firms) refer their clients to IPG for custom solutions.

Custom Solutions
Custom Client Solutions

Protecting & Preserving Wealth

Protecting clients' global wealth and preserving it for future generations.


Mitigating Risk

Meeting clients' planning needs by diversifying their asset portfolio and mitigating exposure to sovereign and market risk.

Securing Wealth for Generations

Integrating products with fiduciary structures to ensure the timely and efficient transfer of wealth, including closely held business, according to client preferences.

Maximizing Outcomes

Evaluating funding options, cost of funds, tax and reporting implications and risk tolerance to maximize planning benefits while minimizing cost.

Our Companies
Our Companies



Mexico City




Hong Kong



IPG/ GIS Offices

IPG Howden Offices

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International Planning Group, Ltd. is a Massachusetts, USA limited partnership formed to be the owner of several strategically important operating companies in various countries.  


Each operating company was formed to ensure all International Planning Group companies are in compliance with all life insurance and tax laws and regulations in each jurisdiction where they conduct any business activities.   A summary of the company structure is available here.


For more information about IPG or to request a copy of our due diligence package, please contact us.

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Global Insurance Services, Ltd. is a Massachusetts, USA limited liability company.   The firm focuses on facilitating the formation of non-US insurance companies, design products and administering operations. A summary of the company structure is available here.

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IPG Howden is a joint venture between International Planning Group, Ltd. and Howden Broking Group Limited


Howden Broking Group is a Howden Group Holdings company formed in the United Kingdom with locations worldwide.  A summary of the company structure is available here.

Contact Us

Contact Us

International Planning Group

Steve Lamb
888 Worcester Street, Suite 130
Wellesley, MA 02482, USA 
+1 781 237 5900, ext. 630

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